Enhanced Slide Door Weapons Port


Kontek’s GP1 weapons port engagement system gives operator’s industry standard ballistics and blast protection, while providing enhanced fields of view and fields of fire when compared to other weapons ports. Basic hand hold slide operation. Bi-directional operation. 

Contact our dedicated team about the gun port weapons engagement system(s) you need to keep your facilities safe and secure.

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  • Available up to .50 cal AP protection
  • Designed to match the blast and ballistic protection associated with the rest of the structure
  • The standard handle, lock and slide system provides basic operation; allowing operators to quickly interact with the weapons port
  • Fits into all existing Kontek weapons ports
  • Retrofits into non-Kontek weapons ports through various mounting methods
  • Can be mounted to flared/angled armored walls & positions
ballistic guard shack featuring two sliding gun ports with handles and a large ballistic window
Sliding gun port with metal frame in a security structure

using a rifle through a gun port during a training exercise


Benefits of Kontek's Sliding Gun Port

  •  Enables quick target engagement with minimal exposure to threats
  • Provides a secure firing position that protects operators from enemy fire
  • User-friendly design requires minimal training for effective use
  • Adaptable to various operational needs and structures
  • Built with high-quality materials for long-lasting performance

Enhanced Protection

Reliable protection in high-risk environments

Operational Flexibility

Quick and seamless weapon deployment when needed

Tactical Advantage

Allows for precise targeting while maintaining a concealed position

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